

Last updated: 2023-03-03 14:24:48Download PDF

MPS provides preset screenshot templates, which can be added directly to a scheme. Three types of screenshots are supported: time point screenshot, sampled screenshot, and image sprite screenshot. You can also click Create template to customize your own screenshot templates.

Time Point Screenshot

Select the Time point screenshot template tab, click Create template, and set the template name and screenshot dimensions. You need to specify the time points in scheme settings. For detailed directions, see Schemes.

Template nameMax 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens, and periods (.)
Image formatJPG
Image dimensionsThe width and height of the image must be in the range of 128-4096 px.

Preset Templates:

Template IDFormatWidthHeightFill Mode
10JPGSame as sourceSame as sourceScale to fill

Sampled Screenshot

Select the Sampled screenshot template tab and click Create template.

Template nameMax 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods
Image formatJPG
Image dimensionsThe width and height of the image must be in the range of 128-4096 px.
Sampling intervalThe interval can be a percent value (%) or a time value (s). If % is selected, the value entered cannot exceed 100.

Preset Templates:

Template IDFormatWidthHeightInterval MeasurementIntervalFill Mode
10JPGSame as sourceSame as sourceBy percent10%Scale to fill

Image Sprite Screenshot

Select the Image sprite screenshot template tab and click Create template.

Template nameMax 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens, and periods (.)
Image formatJPG
Image dimensionsThe width and height of the image must be in the range of 128-4096 px.
Sampling intervalThe interval can be a percent value (%) or a time value (s). If % is selected, the value entered cannot exceed 100.
RowsA positive integer. The number of subimage rows multiplied by subimage columns must not exceed 100.
ColumnsA positive integer. The number of subimage rows multiplied by subimage columns must not exceed 100.

The templates created can be found in the screenshot template list, which displays information including template name, screenshot type, image dimensions, and template type. You can also view the details of, edit, or delete a template on this page.

Preset templates

Template IDFormatSubimage WidthSubimage HeightSubimage RowsSubimage ColumnsInterval MeasurementInterval (s)
10JPG142801010By time10

Animated Screenshot

MPS provides preset animated screenshot templates, which can be added directly to a scheme. You can also select the Animated screenshot template tab and click Create template to customize your own animated screenshot templates.
You can set the image format, frame rate, image dimensions and image quality when creating a template, but the time period for generating an animated screenshot must be specified in scheme settings. For detailed directions, see Schemes.

Template nameMax 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, and underscores (_)
Image formatWEBP or GIF
Frame rate (fps)1-30
Image quality0-100. The larger the value, the higher the quality and the larger the image size.
Image dimensions (px)0 or 128-4096 for either dimension

The templates created can be found in the template list, which displays information including template name, image type, frame rate, image quality, image dimensions, and template type. You can view, edit, or delete a custom template, but preset templates can be viewed only, not edited or deleted.

Preset templates

Template IDFormatResolutionFrame Rate (fps)
20000GIFSame as source2
20001WebP320 x Proportionally scaled2