
Task Result Viewing

Last updated: 2024-07-12 18:10:05Download PDF

How to Obtain Media Metadata?

Can I Query Newly Finished Tasks Using ScrollToken?

You may not be able to query newly finished tasks using the pagination flag parameter ScrollToken because the tasks returned are sorted by creation time.
The pagination flag parameter ScrollToken is used when you paginate your queries. If it is impossible to query all tasks with one request, the API will return ScrollToken, which should be passed in for the next request so that it starts from the record following ScrollToken.

How to Query the Task List?

For detailed directions, see the DescribeTasks API.

How Are the Tasks Returned Sorted?

The tasks returned are sorted by creation time. For details, see DescribeTasks.

How to Add Animated Watermarks?

Convert animated images into APNG format, and add them as watermarks in workflow settings.

How to Modify a Watermark Template?

For details, see the ModifyWatermarkTemplate API.

How to Associate MPS with COS Buckets?

When configuring a workflow, select a trigger bucket, and videos uploaded to the selected bucket will be processed automatically. For more information, see Workflow Management.

OCR Results Are Generated for a Video Frame. How Do I Get the Frame in Question?

Use the ProcessMedia API to take a screenshot of the video at the specified time point.
1. Note the time point when OCR results are generated.
2. Pass the time point to the request parameter of ProcessMedia: MediaProcessTaskInput > SnapshotByTimeOffsetTaskInput.

How to Query Statistical Data?

You can log in to the Media Processing Service Console and click Usage Statistics . This page offers detailed statistical data.