
Querying Task

Last updated: 2020-02-24 15:25:51Download PDF

In addition to receiving notifications of file transcoding results through the event notification mechanism, MPS users can also query details of a specified transcoding task through the DescribeTaskDetail API. This API is generally used to query the progress and results of a transcoding task that was manually initiated by the ProcessMedia API. Returned results can be WAITING, PROCESSING, or FINISH.

  • WAITING: The task has been initiated and is waiting to be processed.
  • PROCESSING: The task is being processed.
  • FINISH: The task has been completed.

Below are some task status samples:




FINISH sample

  "Response": {
    "TaskType": "WorkflowTask",
    "Status": "FINISH",
    "CreateTime": "2019-07-16T06:21:27Z",
    "BeginProcessTime": "2019-07-16T06:21:28Z",
    "FinishTime": "2019-07-16T06:21:46Z",
    "WorkflowTask": {
      "TaskId": "235303****-WorkflowTask-80108cc3380155d98b2e3573a48a******",
      "Status": "FINISH",
      "ErrCode": 0,
      "Message": "",
      "InputInfo": {
        "Type": "COS",
        "CosInputInfo": {
          "Bucket": "vodtestbj-235303****",
          "Region": "ap-beijing",
          "Object": "/input/videoplayback.mp4"
      "MetaData": {
        "AudioDuration": 380.9465637207031,
        "AudioStreamSet": [
            "Bitrate": 95999,
            "Codec": "aac",
            "SamplingRate": 44100
        "Bitrate": 409657,
        "Container": "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2",
        "Duration": 380.9465637207031,
        "Height": 360,
        "Rotate": 0,
        "Size": 19626862,
        "VideoDuration": 380.8804931640625,
        "VideoStreamSet": [
            "Bitrate": 313658,
            "Codec": "h264",
            "Fps": 29,
            "Height": 360,
            "Width": 480
        "Width": 480
      "MediaProcessResultSet": [
          "Type": "Transcode",
          "TranscodeTask": {
            "Status": "SUCCESS",
            "ErrCode": 0,
            "Message": "SUCCESS",
            "Input": {
              "Definition": 210,
              "WatermarkSet": [],
              "OutputStorage": {
                "Type": "COS",
                "CosOutputStorage": {
                  "Bucket": "vodtestgz-235303****",
                  "Region": "ap-guangzhou"
              "OutputObjectPath": "/output/{inputName}_transcode_{definition}.{format}",
              "SegmentObjectName": "/output/{inputName}_transcode_{definition}_{number}",
              "ObjectNumberFormat": {
                "InitialValue": 0,
                "Increment": 1,
                "MinLength": 1,
                "PlaceHolder": ""
            "Output": {
              "OutputStorage": {
                "Type": "COS",
                "CosOutputStorage": {
                  "Bucket": "vodtestgz-235303****",
                  "Region": "ap-guangzhou"
              "Path": "/output/videoplayback_transcode_210.m3u8",
              "Definition": 210,
              "Bitrate": 353297,
              "Height": 240,
              "Width": 320,
              "Size": 5692,
              "Duration": 380.9580078125,
              "Container": "hls,applehttp",
              "Md5": "ae0dfe7c7336291d6243463b7bb14fea",
              "VideoStreamSet": [
                  "Bitrate": 302307,
                  "Codec": "h264",
                  "Fps": 24,
                  "Height": 240,
                  "Width": 320
              "AudioStreamSet": [
                  "Bitrate": 50990,
                  "Codec": "aac",
                  "SamplingRate": 44100
          "AnimatedGraphicTask": null,
          "SnapshotByTimeOffsetTask": null,
          "SampleSnapshotTask": null,
          "ImageSpriteTask": null
    "TaskNotifyConfig": null,
    "TasksPriority": 0,
    "SessionId": "",
    "SessionContext": "",
    "RequestId": "requestId"